Thursday, October 6, 2011

Optim - Overview -- II

Table Map

A Table Map defines specifications for correlating source and destination tables of compatible data.
You can map tables that have different names, modify table names, exclude tables from a process, or include Column Maps for greater control over the data.
You can specify Table Maps in a request to compare, convert, insert, load, or restore data, or with the Create Utility.

Using the Command Line Interface

The Command Line Interface (PR0CMND.exe) allows you to automate Optim™ processing:
  • Run process requests to archive, convert, delete, extract, insert, load, or restore data.
  • Run multiple process requests in a scheduled job.
  • Browse and edit data in the Table Editor.

How to Run PR0CMND

  • You can run PR0CMND.EXE from the command line, a batch file, or another program.
  • You must be in the application software BIN directory or specify the path for this directory on the command line.

Syntax Guidelines

The typical command consists of PR0CMND followed by the command-line keywords and associated arguments. The following guidelines apply:
  • Command-line keywords can be specified in any order, separated by one or more spaces, but no commas.
  • Keywords can be specified in mixed case. (Most keywords are shown bold and uppercase in the help for emphasis only).
  • Command-line keywords and associated arguments must be separated with an equal sign (=) or a colon (:).
  • An override keyword must be separated from the associated argument with a blank space.
  • Keywords may be prefixed by a forward slash (/) or a dash ( ). For example, all of the following are equal:

  • The first operation argument must be prefixed by a forward slash (/) or a dash ( ), for example:
/X or —X
/R or —R
/E or —E

  • An argument associated with a command-line keyword that includes spaces must be enclosed in single or double quotes.
  • When overrides are specified for a process request defined in a parameter file, the command-line keyword indicating that overrides are used (OV) must follow other command-line keywords and precede the override parameters. The first override keyword and associated argument must begin on the following line, and each additional override must be on a separate line. The override keyword END must follow the last override, and must also be on a separate line.
Note: You can also specify a variety of overrides for each process request or specify overrides that apply to browsing and editing data.

Ref: IBM Guide
Note: Some of the articles are grab from various Websites / Blogs.

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