Saturday, October 8, 2011

Optim - Overview -- III

DB Alias: A DB Alias is a set of specifications used to identify, locate, and access a particular database.
The DB Alias serves as a high-level qualifier for names of database objects referenced, defined, or accessed using Optim, for example, dbalias.creatorid.tablename.
The specifications for defining a DB Alias are usually provided by the database administrator.


About DB Aliases

A DB Alias is a user-defined object associated with a database.
When you define a DB Alias, you provide parameters that Optim™ uses to communicate with that database. These parameters include the type and version of the database management system (DBMS) and any required connection specifications.
Cloned & Masked Gold Master
((Mask in Place))
Development Environment
Integrated Test Environment
QA Environment
Training Environment

Data De-identification
Definition: Removing, masking or transforming elements that could be used to identify an individual
Also known as: data masking, depersonalization, desensitization, obfuscation, data scrubbing
Technology that helps conceal real data
Name, address, telephone, SSN / National Identity number, creditcard #…
Scrambles data to create new, legible data
Retains the data's properties, such as its width, type and format
Common data masking algorithms include random, substring, concatenation, date aging
Used in non-production environments as a “Best Practice” to protect sensitive data
Masked data must be appropriate to the context
Within permissible range of values

Note: Some of the articles are grab from various Websites / Blogs.

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