Monday, January 31, 2011

ETL - Informatica - I

1. How can we use mapping variables in Informatica? Where do we use them?
We can use mapping variable in Informatica.
The Informatica server saves the value of mapping variable to the repository at the end of session run and uses that value next time we run the session.

2.  Is there any way to read the MS Excel Data’s directly into Informatica? Like IS there any Possibilities to take excel file as target?
We can’t directly import the xml file in informatica.
we have to define the microsoft excel odbc driver on our system. and define the name in exce sheet by defining ranges.
then in inforematica open the folder using sources ->import from database->select excel odbc driver->connect->select the excel sheet name .

3.  Can Informatica load heterogeneous targets from heterogeneous sources?
yes, you can use heterogenous source and target in single mapping. But to join data from heterogenous source you have to use joiner transformation.

4.  Can we lookup a table from source qualifier transformation. ie. unconnected lookup
You cannot lookup from a source qualifier directly. However, you can override the SQL in the source qualifier to join with the lookup table to perform the lookup.
5.  What is Full load & Incremental or Refresh load?
Full Load: completely erasing the contents of one or more tables and reloading with fresh data.

Incremental Load: applying ongoing changes to one or more tables based on a predefined schedule
Refresh Load: the table will be truncated and data will be loaded again. Here we use to load static dimension table or type tables using this method.
Incremental Load: It is a method to capture on the newly created or updated record. Based upon the falg or Date this load will be performed.
Full Load: when we are loading the data for first time, either it may be a base load or history all the set of records will be loaded at a strech depends upon the volume.

6. How do we call shell scripts from informatica?
Specify the Full path of the Shell script the “Post session properties
of session/workflow”.
You can use Command task also for executing the shell scripts.
As well as you need to use the Keyword “call” before the full path of the shell script.

Using the same Call command you can also call the SQL Store procedures.

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