Wednesday, February 23, 2011

DS - Autosys

Autosys – Through UNIX Command Prompt
The most commonly used commands are listed below. Autosys can be installed in Unix and in NT. When installed in NT, the commands listed below are typically available through the AutoConsole graphical user interface (GUI) as buttons or menu items.

Autosys Description
% wildcard for autorep commands

Status Commands  autorep –j pfiw9999% shows a brief job information for jobs starting with pfiw9999
autorep –j pfiw9999 -d show detailed status history for job pfiw9999
autorep –j pfiw% shows status of all jobs starting with pfiw

Job Scheduling and other Information 
autorep –j pfiw9999% -q show all job information for jobs starting with pfiw9999

Job Status for previous runs 
autorep –j pfiw9999% -r -1 show brief job status for jobs starting with pfiw9999 one run backwards in time

Job Dependency Information 
job_depends –j pfiw9999 -c show job dependencies (starting conditions) and successors (dependent jobs) for pfiw9999
job_depends show “scheduled” starting job times

Setting Status of Autosys Jobs 
To set a job to inactive sendevent –E CHANGE_STATUS –J <JOB_NAME> -i INACTIVE
To set a job to success sendevent –E CHANGE_STATUS –J <JOB_NAME> -s SUCCESS

Other Events 
To force start a job sendevent –E FORCE_STARTJOB –J <JOB_NAME>
To put a job on hold sendevent –E JOB_ON_HOLD –J <JOB_NAME>
To put a job on ice sendevent –E JOB_ON_ICE –J <JOB_NAME>
To take a job off hold sendevent –E JOB_OFF_HOLD –J <JOB_NAME>
To take a job off ice sendevent –E JOB_OFF_ICE –J <JOB_NAME>
To kill a job sendevent –E KILLJOB –J <JOB_NAME>
When you set a job to SUCCESS or ON_ICE, the job depending on it may run because it is still set to run.
If a job is ON_HOLD or ON_ICE, it will not run until it is force started or set to inactive for a normal run.
When you want to stop a job, use the KILL command. Once the job has been KILLED, it can be marked ON-HOLD, or INACTIVE, or whatever supported status you wish to assign to it.

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