Monday, October 24, 2011


Optim to convert critical information such as Social Security number (TRANS SSN), credit card number (TRANS CCN), and e-mail IDs (TRANS EML). There are several other functions available in Optim in the data privacy area that provide various masking functions. For example, some of the functions include:
LOOKUP, a function that uses a lookup table to determine the destination column value

HASH_LOOKUP, a function that determines the destination column value from a lookup table according to a value derived from a source column

RAND_LOOKUP, a random lookup function that selects a value for the destination column from a lookup table based on a random number as the subscript in the lookup table

TRANS SSN flags and their descriptions
Flags   Description
n          Generates a random area number and an appropriate group number and serial number.
r          Generates a random area number corresponding to the state of the source SSN and an appropriate group number and serial number.
v          Validates the source group number to ensure the SSN has used it.
-           Generates an SSN with dashes separating the fields (for example, 123-45-6789). Requires a character-type destination column at least 11 characters long.

The TRANS CCN function is used to generate valid and unique credit card numbers (CCNs). A CCN usually consists of a six-digit issuer identifier followed by a variable-length account number and a single-check digit as the final number. By default, TRANS CCN algorithmically generates a consistently altered CCN, but it can also generate a random value for CCN.

The execution steps followed in this section (used to mask credit card numbers) are similar to the steps followed during the execution of the SSN scenarios. All three scenarios described in this section differ from each other with respect to the source file, control file, destination file, and flags used in TRANS CCN function.

TRANS CCN flags and their descriptions

Flags   Description
n          Generates a random CCN, not based on a source value, that includes a valid issuer
identifier associated with American Express, MasterCard, VISA, or Discover.
r          Generates a random CCN that includes the first four digits of the source issuer identifier.
6          Generates a random CCN that includes the first six digits of the source issuer identifier.


The TRANS EML function is used to generate an e-mail address. An e-mail address has two parts—the user name and the domain name, separated by the at sign (@).

The TRANS EML function generates e-mail addresses based on either the destination data or a literal concatenated with a sequential number. The domain name can be formed using either the source data or randomly chosen from a long list of e-mail service providers. E-mail addresses can also be converted to upper or lower case.

The execution steps followed in this section (where the scenarios will work on e-mail accounts) are similar to the steps followed during the execution of SSN scenarios. Hence, usage of only one is given here, and the rest can be executed in the same way with only the change of the flag values.

TRANS EML flags and their descriptions
Flags   Description
n          Ignores the source value and generates an e-mail address with a random domain name from a list of large e-mail service providers.
.           Separates the name1col and name2col values with a period (.).
-           Separates the name1col and name2col values with an underscore (_).
i           Uses only the first character of the name1col value.
l           Converts the e-mail address to lower case.
u          Converts the e-mail address to upper case.

Note: Some of the articles are grab from various Websites / Blogs.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


SQL Server DB Alias, with a user that even has database owner privileges. Packages were created without any problem, but when in optim we are trying to define Access definition and want to choose a table to work on, it displays: "no data available". Like it doesn't see any table.

Ans: Can you load/drop sample tables from Optim configuration module ?

Step 1 : Launch Optim configuration
Step 2 : Task --> Load/Drop Sample tables
Step 3 : Choose the respective Optim Directory and Dbalias using correct credentials
Step 4 : In Load/Drop Sample tables windows , make sure you correctly specifying schema name and tablespace info ( as applicable).
Step 5 : Press " Proceed " Button and load the sample tables and close Configuration module
Step 6 : Now launch Optim Tool and try to create an Extract or Access definition and check the default qualifier works or not.

Ans2: it might be that the metadata is not registering in Optim.

Remember to disconnect/reconnect to the Optim Directory after DB Alias creation or alternatively restart the Optim Workstation program.

Optim refreshes it's metadata when it connects to the Optim Directory. So, if you have Optim open and define a DB Alias in the Optim Configuration program, you need to reconnect to see the tables.

Ans3: Indeed, it seems to be a metadata refreshment problem. Quitting the Optim Configurator after DB Alias creation (to make sure the update is persisted) and starting Optim does the trick.

How to verify -optim version/fixpack/patches/releases on Optim Server side- AIX.

I have not documented the changes we made to Optim( I mean after applying fixpacks)

Now I want to see Prod/Test/Dev environments are running with same Version/Optim-patch-fixpack

Ans: You can check rtbuild.h file under $PSTHOME/bin folder ( HOME folder of Optim installation )on AIX side.
Trace LOG files also give release & Build # information $PSTHOME/temp.

On windows , You can find rtbuild.h file under Optim folder ( e.g. c:\program files\IBM Optim\rt\BIN ). You can check "About Optim" option in HELP menu of Optim tool in windows for release and build information as well.

Ans2: /optim/7.2.1/rt/bin




#define RTBUILD_FIXPACK "01"

in the above scenario my :Option version is:7.2.1
Build:3125, Fixpack:01

Note: Some of the articles are grab from various Websites / Blogs.

OPTIM - FAQ's -- I

1. Does TRANS SSN function generate unique values?

Ans: Yes, for every unique input value it generates unique output value.

2. If same SSN more than once using TRANS SSN function to mask data, will they replaced by different SSN or same for all?
If same for all, Does TRANS SSN function will create a lookup table?
If it create lookup table, where they will store this lookups.

Ans: For same input value Trans SSN will generate the same masked value, unless Random masking (‘n’) is specified. So if you have same SSN multiple times you will get the same output each time and Trans SSN will not create a Lookup table

3. If 2 different workstations using 2 different DB Alias to connect came Database(mask same table which has SSN). Now if we use TRANS SSN function, both will create same SSN or different SSN’s?
Yes, it will generate different SSN’s., FCFS basis, The first DBAlias which will get to mask and second DBAlias will get the masked data of the first DBAlias.

            Similar to Updating the table by two members at a time.

4. If i got Table1 and Table2 both has SSN, i am masked Table1 first and created a Masked Table. Later after couple of days i have masked Table2. If Table 1 & 2 has matching SSN row, will it create same masked SSN for both Table

Ans: ‘r’ flag means generate Random area number so you will not get unique output for unique input. But this should not skip same SSN in a table.

Answer few questions:
1. Does your destination table column have a unique constraint set on it?
2. Are all the rows containing same SSN skipped or at least one row can be seen in destination table
3. What does the control file says for Rows containing same SSN?

Ans: answers below were based on using TRANS SSN with 'r' flag.

1. No unique indexes / constraints. Both source & destination columns are defined as CHAR(20)
2. All rows with same SSN are skipped - I used Compare Request and did some queried against the database.
3. The control file says something like "No Dest"

Note: Some of the articles are grab from various Websites / Blogs.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Optim - Overview -- IV

About Archive Files

An Archive File contains the selected, relationally intact data described in an Access Definition and the object definitions needed to re-create the database, if necessary.
The Archive File is stored locally on the client system or on a shared file server, or can be stored on secondary media such as a zip disk or a backup device. Archive Directory entries provide general information about each Archive File and any Archive Indexes for the file.
After you have extracted data and created an Archive File, you can browse the contents of the file to answer questions or satisfy a customer request. You can search Archive Directory entries, Archive Index Files, and Archive Files, using criteria for the files and data of interest. If necessary, you can restore selected data from the Archive File.


About Compare Requests

Use the Compare Process to compare sets of relational data from several databases and create a Compare File that allows you to browse the results.
A Compare Request identifies the sources of the data to compare and the parameters needed to run the comparison. When you create a Compare Request, you must specify the:
  • Compare file to store the compared rows of data.
  • Comparison mode to compare Single Table Compare Mode or Multiple Tables Compare Mode.
  • Run mode for extracting the source data from two or more tables.
  • Source tables for the data to compare. Define a Column Map or Table Map appropriate for the selected comparison mode.
Primary Key or Match Key to match rows from Source 1 with those in Source 2.

Table Maps and Column Maps in a Process Request

When you create a request to use Move (to convert, insert, or load data), Archive (to restore data using an Insert or Load Process), or Compare (to compare data), you can specify a Table Map and optional Column Maps to have more control over the data you want to process.

Convert, Insert, or Load Data

When you create a request to convert, insert, or load data, Table Map provide a way to correlate tables from a Source File with the destination tables in the same or a different database. You can modify destination table names or exclude tables from a process

Note: Some of the articles are grab from various Websites / Blogs.

Optim - Overview -- III

DB Alias: A DB Alias is a set of specifications used to identify, locate, and access a particular database.
The DB Alias serves as a high-level qualifier for names of database objects referenced, defined, or accessed using Optim, for example, dbalias.creatorid.tablename.
The specifications for defining a DB Alias are usually provided by the database administrator.


About DB Aliases

A DB Alias is a user-defined object associated with a database.
When you define a DB Alias, you provide parameters that Optim™ uses to communicate with that database. These parameters include the type and version of the database management system (DBMS) and any required connection specifications.
Cloned & Masked Gold Master
((Mask in Place))
Development Environment
Integrated Test Environment
QA Environment
Training Environment

Data De-identification
Definition: Removing, masking or transforming elements that could be used to identify an individual
Also known as: data masking, depersonalization, desensitization, obfuscation, data scrubbing
Technology that helps conceal real data
Name, address, telephone, SSN / National Identity number, creditcard #…
Scrambles data to create new, legible data
Retains the data's properties, such as its width, type and format
Common data masking algorithms include random, substring, concatenation, date aging
Used in non-production environments as a “Best Practice” to protect sensitive data
Masked data must be appropriate to the context
Within permissible range of values

Note: Some of the articles are grab from various Websites / Blogs.

QuickBase - Overview

QuickBase Applications

QuickBase versatility sets it apart in giving you a single platform for improving many functions in your organization; the list of strong applications for QuickBase is long and growing. Applications have:

*                       Enterprise Project Management (PMO Offices)  Project mgmt Office

*                       Enterprise KPI (Key Performance Indicator) tracking and reporting

*                       Sales and Customer Management (CRM)

*                       Sarbanes-Oxley audit tracking

*                       Program and Affiliate Tracking

*                       Procurement and Marketing Workflow systems (Including RFQ and Contracts generation and tracking)

*                       Property, Asset, Personnel and other Resource Tracking and Assignment

*                       Capital Expenditure Budgeting and Tracking

*                       Online surveys with real-time results reporting

QuickBase applications solve critical business problems and help improve productivity and efficiency because they are tailored by the user to match the exact workflow and unique needs of their team - something complex point solutions or generic spreadsheets simply can't match.

  • Capture and modify data: Whatever kind of data you need to store--sales leads, catalog listings, project milestones, workflow checklists--you can use QuickBase's forms to record and organize that data so it makes sense to you.
  • Filter, sort, and group data: Easily find the records that match your criteria, and then sort those records into groups that make their relationships clear.
  • Display your data: QuickBase uses different views (Table, Grid Edit, Summary/Crosstab, Calendar, Chart, and Timeline) to display and summarize data. Switching between them is easy, like taking tasks listed in a table and displaying them as a timeline.
Create reports: Print out a hard copy, embed charts in the annual report, or email this month's sales numbers.

Note: Some of the articles are grab from various Websites / Blogs.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Optim - Overview -- II

Table Map

A Table Map defines specifications for correlating source and destination tables of compatible data.
You can map tables that have different names, modify table names, exclude tables from a process, or include Column Maps for greater control over the data.
You can specify Table Maps in a request to compare, convert, insert, load, or restore data, or with the Create Utility.

Using the Command Line Interface

The Command Line Interface (PR0CMND.exe) allows you to automate Optim™ processing:
  • Run process requests to archive, convert, delete, extract, insert, load, or restore data.
  • Run multiple process requests in a scheduled job.
  • Browse and edit data in the Table Editor.

How to Run PR0CMND

  • You can run PR0CMND.EXE from the command line, a batch file, or another program.
  • You must be in the application software BIN directory or specify the path for this directory on the command line.

Syntax Guidelines

The typical command consists of PR0CMND followed by the command-line keywords and associated arguments. The following guidelines apply:
  • Command-line keywords can be specified in any order, separated by one or more spaces, but no commas.
  • Keywords can be specified in mixed case. (Most keywords are shown bold and uppercase in the help for emphasis only).
  • Command-line keywords and associated arguments must be separated with an equal sign (=) or a colon (:).
  • An override keyword must be separated from the associated argument with a blank space.
  • Keywords may be prefixed by a forward slash (/) or a dash ( ). For example, all of the following are equal:

  • The first operation argument must be prefixed by a forward slash (/) or a dash ( ), for example:
/X or —X
/R or —R
/E or —E

  • An argument associated with a command-line keyword that includes spaces must be enclosed in single or double quotes.
  • When overrides are specified for a process request defined in a parameter file, the command-line keyword indicating that overrides are used (OV) must follow other command-line keywords and precede the override parameters. The first override keyword and associated argument must begin on the following line, and each additional override must be on a separate line. The override keyword END must follow the last override, and must also be on a separate line.
Note: You can also specify a variety of overrides for each process request or specify overrides that apply to browsing and editing data.

Ref: IBM Guide
Note: Some of the articles are grab from various Websites / Blogs.

Optim - Overview I

Access Definition

An Access Definition specifies the Start Table, related tables, relationships, and selection criteria to define the data you want to archive, extract, edit, or compare.
Note: You can save and reuse Access Definitions, which are stored in the Optim™ Directory.

Use Access Definitions to

  • Manage and maintain lists of tables and relationships that describe the data you want to archive, extract, or edit.
  • Specify the selection criteria you want to use to archive or extract data.
  • Specify variables and default values to use in your selection criteria.
  • Select columns and sort options to display for Point and Shoot.
  • Use Point and Shoot to narrow the focus for archiving or extracting data.
Because Access Definitions provide flexibility in managing your data, it is easy to:
  • Create new Access Definitions and modify or reuse existing definitions.
  • Share Access Definitions with other users.
  • Include a named or local (temporary) Access Definition with an Archive Request, Edit Definition, or Extract Request.

Column Map

A Column Map defines the specifications for mapping columns of compatible data between source and destination tables.
You can map columns that have different names, modify column data, or exclude columns from a process.
You can include one or more Column Maps in a Table Map when you create a request to compare, convert, insert, load, or restore data.
  • If you define a Column Map in a Convert, Insert, Load, or Restore Request, you can specify the source column value, an explicit column name, NULL, constant, literal, function, expression, special register, or exit routine.
  • If you define a Column Map in a Compare Request, you can map only explicit column names.

Column Map Procedure

A Column Map Procedure is a custom program that is referenced by a Column Map and is written and compiled using the Column Map Proc Editor.
These programs are used in a Convert, Insert, Load, or Restore Request for special processing and data manipulation that is beyond the scope of native Column Maps. You can use a Column Map Procedure by specifying the name of the procedure as the source column.

DB Alias

A DB Alias is a set of specifications used to identify, locate, and access a particular database.
The DB Alias serves as a high-level qualifier for names of database objects referenced, defined, or accessed using Optim™, for example, dbalias.creatorid.tablename.
The specifications for defining a DB Alias are usually provided by the database administrator.

About DB Aliases

A DB Alias is a user-defined object associated with a database.
When you define a DB Alias, you provide parameters that Optim™ uses to communicate with that database. These parameters include the type and version of the database management system (DBMS) and any required connection specifications.
Note: DB Aliases are defined using the Configuration Program and are stored in the Optim Directory. You must be authorized to define a DB Alias. See the Installation and Configuration Guide for additional information.
A DB Alias name serves as a high-level qualifier that allows you to access a specific database to perform requested functions. For example, in an Access Definition, you must qualify the name of a table with a DB Alias name. The referenced DB Alias supplies the parameters needed to connect to the database in which the table resides.


A DB Alias identifies a specific database and serves as a prefix in the fully qualified names of primary keys, database tables, and relationships. DB Aliases are essential elements in managing your databases. Keep in mind that each:
  • Database can have only one DB Alias.
  • DB Alias name must be unique.
Also, objects in the Optim Directory cannot have the same name as a DB Alias.

Ref: IBM Guide and Materials (

Note: Some of the articles are grab from various Websites / Blogs.