Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Vuser's run-time Settings

LoadRunner run-time settings let you emulate different kinds of user activity and behavior. You can also configure run-time settings to specify how many times the Vuser should repeat a set of actions in the Vuser script.
Run-time settings The general run-time settings include:
  • Run Logic. The number of times that a Vuser repeats various sections of the Vuser script.
  • Pacing. The time to wait between repetitions.
  • Think Time. The time the Vuser stops to think between steps in the script.
  • Log. The level of information that you want to gather during playback.
To set the run-time settings:
  1. Open the Vuser script that you saved.
  1. Open the Run-Time Settings dialog box.
Click Replay > Run-Time Settings. The Run-time Settings dialog box opens.
  1. Set the Run Logic settings.
In the left pane, under General, click Run Logic.
The Run Logic settings enable you to set the number of iterations for the Vuser script. This is the number of times to repeat the Action section of the Vuser script when the script is replayed.
Set the Number of iterations to 2.
  1. Set the Pacing settings.
In the left pane, under General, click Pacing.
The Pacing settings enable you to control the time between iterations. You will specify a random time. This accurately emulates a real-life setting where the user waits between actions, but at random intervals. For example, you do not see real users always waiting exactly 60 seconds between repeated actions.
Select the third radio button, and select the following:
At random intervals, every 60.000 to 90.000 seconds.
  1. Set the Log settings.
In the left pane, under General, click Log.
The Log settings indicate how much information to log while running the Vuser Script. While developing a Vuser script, you may want to enable some logging for debugging purposes, but once you verify that your script is functional, you can enable logging for errors only, or even disable logging.
Select Extended log and enable Parameter substitution.
View the Think Time settings.
In the left pane, under General, click Think Time.
Keep the default think time setting - Ignore think time. You will set the think time from the Controller. when you run the script in VuGen, it will run quickly since it will not include think time.
  1. Click OK to close the Run-Time Settings dialog box.
 Reference: loadmeter.bg/lr
 Note: Some of the articles are grab from various Websites / Blogs.

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